October 20, 2011

Rachel Strella

Fallacies & Fantasy’s: Deflating Social Media Myths

Every day, I talk with business owners who do not understand social media. They do not know what it is or how it works. I hope this blog will help to debunk some of the top social media misconceptions.

Ok, ok, I’ll set up the page!

Just because you have a Facebook page, does not mean you’re done. In fact, this is where the real work begins.  Not only does your page need to be up –effectively – you need to build your audience, engage them, learn from them, and offer them value. This takes time and effort.  Moreover, pages left dormant hurt you more than help you.

I’ll work on it when I have more time.

Unless you’re Charlie Sheen, you will not be an overnight sensation. Social media is a conversation, a way to find potential customers, an outlet for customer service and a place to build credibility. This is a delicate balance and one that will be trial and error until you discover what your audience really needs. As your audience grows and as social media changes, you will continually need refine your plan.

I don’t need social media.

That’s like saying you don’t need water to live. It’s agreed that some businesses do better with social media than others (think coffeehouse vs. plumbing). But, it’s time to get your name out there, respond to customers and potential customers, and get the conversation started.  If you aren’t using social media to market your business, you are behind. If you aren’t planning to use social media to market your business, you’ll never catch up.

I’ll do what Joe does.

What are your goals? And don’t tell me, ‘get more money and get more sales.’  What are your marketing goals? Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? Generate brand awareness? Then you can start to bring people to the ‘proverbial’ business door.  In order to do this, you need to establish yourself on a social channel that’s best suited to meet these goals and determine who your audience is and where they are spending their time. This is no cookie-cutter operation. This is a customized marketing plan that should be done in conjunction with traditional efforts and should be done with a marketing -dare I say social media- professional.

I want to keep my business separate from my personal life.

This is often the most difficult for businesses to grasp, especially those who are programmed to the corporate mindset. I get that it’s ‘business social media’ but there are still people behind that business. In order to get to like you and trust you (and buy from you), I need to KNOW you. Let me see a photo of you and your team.  Tell me something you’re passionate about!  Accept my personal friend request on Facebook (*gasp*).  Let me get to know YOU – the person or people behind the business.

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4 comments on “Fallacies & Fantasy’s: Deflating Social Media Myths”

  1. Coffee house vs. plumber. I like that. And it's so true: Some companies are just better equipped to handle social media, based on the nature of their businesses. Coffee houses frequently have shows and poetry slams to promote, whereas plumbing businesses... well, I guess they could treat about their sales and special offers. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be out there trying to promote themselves via social media, especially since the trend is leaning toward suspicion against companies who AREN'T taking advantage of this wonderful tool.

    1. I was trying to think of something to compare/contrast and that was the best I could do so I am glad you like it!

  2. [...] I understand the need for privacy, I’m also an advocate for getting to know people.  It’s that human connection that allows people to get to know you, like you, trust you… and [...]

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