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March 3, 2013
What Are Keywords and Why Should I Use Them?

You’ve probably heard website and social media professionals emphasize the term ‘keywords.’  While keywords seem simple enough, I wanted to explain how they’re used so that you can choose the best ones for your social media profiles. Keywords are used in website, blog, and social media content as well as in profiles and headlines. Using […]

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February 27, 2013
5 Tips for Avoiding Social Media Burnout

I often hear from people that they have social media burnout. And it’s actually quite common.  In fact, it’s something I struggle with myself – not only because social media is my job – but because I also enjoy using it to keep up with friends. That makes it challenging to distance myself from social […]

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February 24, 2013
Death, Taxes, and Social Media

By Ric Albano News broke last week that, despite bring in over a billion dollars in profit last year, Facebook owes no taxes for the year 2012. Actually, the company will be getting a refund of close to a half billion dollars. This is due to a provision in the tax law that allows companies […]

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February 20, 2013
8 Twitter Best Practices

Of all the popular social media channels, I’d say that Twitter is probably the most intimidating. But once you learn its unique language of tweets, hashtags, and handles, Twitter opens up a world of opportunities to promote your cause or business. For those of you new to Twitter or new to using it for business, […]

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February 17, 2013
Why Use Instagram for Business?

By Christina Wood It’s often said that a picture is worth 1,000 words… and it’s evident that Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger agree. A wildly successful start-up company that launched in 2010, Instagram is a photo-sharing app for your smartphone that essentially allows everyday people like you and I to become master photographers, […]

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February 13, 2013
How Can I Expand My Reach on Facebook?

Last week, I talked about why Facebook engagement is more important than ever. Because of Facebook’s EdgeRank system and its attempt to make money, they’ve changed the way content is viewed on the channel, much to the chagrin of business owners trying to leverage the medium ‘free of charge.’  Some of our clients have asked what […]

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February 10, 2013
Twitter 201 Workshop - May 21, 2013

Taking Twitter to the Next Level! Perfect for: - Attendees of our Twitter 101 class in February - Current Twitter users who want to go beyond basics You've got the handle and you're tweeting away! Now what? It's time to hit the gas and learn how to maximize Twitter for your business! In Twitter 201, we'll […]

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February 6, 2013
Why Engagement Is More Important Than Ever For Businesses On Facebook

When you log on to Facebook, you may have noticed that posts at the top of your newsfeed page can sometimes be a few days old. The reason is that Facebook now uses "Top Stories" as the default setting for the newsfeed page. To view posts from your friends and fan pages in the order […]

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February 3, 2013
How to Develop an Editorial Calendar

I often advise clients to create an editorial calendar to help in writing content. In order to start developing the calendar, a business must first decide on two or three short-term goals such as increasing traffic to the website or building brand awareness. Brainstorm Themes Once the goals are established, it’s time to focus on specific […]

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