Category: Social Media Mistakes

May 8, 2016
How to Handle Requests for Your Time

In response to my recent post, 12 business social media pet peeves, a Twitter friend asked me: “And what do you do about that 2nd to last? [I am] starting to ignore them - but then I feel bad!” For those of you who are curious, here is the ‘peeve’ she’s referencing: Making an initial […]

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April 24, 2016
Rules for Polite Conversation on Social Media

It’s an election year, which means controversial conversations abound. While in the company of friends, you might feel comfortable to speak freely on certain topics, but in daily conversation, it’s troublesome. And it’s even more important to remain cautious of the opinions shared on social media, especially if you’re trying to gain credibility for your business. […]

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April 10, 2016
12 Business Social Media Pet Peeves

Social media marketing is a dynamic, challenging and ever-changing industry. We’ve seen and experienced a lot of crazy scenarios – both on personal and business social media accounts.  In my last blog, I revealed our list of 12 social media pet peeves. These were mainly personal in nature, but common enough that anyone who uses […]

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April 3, 2016
12 Social Media Pet Peeves

We spend most of our day on social media, and as you can imagine, we’ve seen everything.  I thought it would be cathartic to share our top (mainly personal) social media pet peeves. Disclaimer: I share a lot of cat photos, which could be a pet peeve for you! 50 hashtags in a Facebook post […]

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February 21, 2016
How Negativity Can Damage Your Brand

When it comes to our personal social media accounts, we have several options for how we want to behave.  We can be the troll - always looking for a fight or we can be Suzie Sunshine - letting nothing get us down.  However, presentation counts and it's important to limit negativity especially on business accounts. […]

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February 14, 2016
Social Media: Think Before You Post

I recently read a story about a dispute in a cafe, which was ultimately misleading, creating huge backlash on social media. This didn’t sit well with me.  We have the opportunity to broadcast our messages so we’ve become self-publishers of sort, yet we’re emotional beings, and as such, we post our version of stories. In […]

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December 27, 2015
Toss the Social Media Predictions

Around this time of year, many spark their bold predictions for the coming year – and social media is no exception. I do not have any grandiose predictions, because the only thing we know for sure is that social media will change.  The trending channels will change and the technology will change. But the principal […]

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January 11, 2015
Social Media: 10 Of The Most Ridiculous Things I've Ever Heard

This June, I celebrate five years in business. And, if I thought owning a business was tough, I had no idea that owning a social media business would be even more difficult.  An ever-changing, ever-challenging industry, social media is full of surprises. There are days when I feel like I do more educating  than actually running […]

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October 19, 2014
LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter: Top Do’s and Don’ts

I was recently asked to contribute social networking tips for business professionals as a sidebar for a women's publication. The issue won’t hit the stands until March 2015, but it’s a great time to share some of my tips here! LinkedIn Do complete your profile. LinkedIn is THE professional medium. In order to build credibility, it’s essential […]

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