Category: Social Media Mistakes

October 20, 2011
Fallacies & Fantasy’s: Deflating Social Media Myths

Every day, I talk with business owners who do not understand social media. They do not know what it is or how it works. I hope this blog will help to debunk some of the top social media misconceptions. Ok, ok, I’ll set up the page! Just because you have a Facebook page, does not […]

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September 4, 2011
4 Small Business Social Media Woe’s & What to Do About Them!

For small business owners, there are plenty of social media “pains” that can hinder an effective social media presence. Here are a few tips for overcoming these obstacles. #1: Time: Don’t try to do it all Small business owners often wear many hats and tend to push marketing – including social media – to the bottom […]

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August 28, 2011
Auto-DMs and @ Replies…When did robots take over?

By Matthew Hannaford, Business Development Manager for Strella Social Media Twitter is a great place to meet people and interact with consumers, friends, co-workers, and colleagues. However, the reason many businesses are on Twitter, and social media as a whole, is ultimately to drive consumers to a product or service. There are countless strategies that […]

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July 31, 2011
Don’t Tweet with Your Mouth Full!

While the various social media networks have their own unique characteristics, the principles for proper etiquette remain the same whether you are using Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+. And while social media may seem like a far cry from a formal banquet hall, many of the same etiquette rules apply. A good example is […]

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January 16, 2011
Caught in the Fishnet: Six Social Media Pitfalls to Avoid

I recently spoke to the group, ExecConnect PA, about social media maintenance. If applied correctly, you can create a strategy to accompany your social media efforts that takes just 15-30 minutes a day. Most in the group were surprised by this knowledge as they find themselves getting trapped in the fishnet of some common social […]

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Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102