Today’s blog is something a little different from our usual post… a video. Learn six simple steps to meet your business goals using social media. We use a HVAC company as an example. Click here to watch.
Today’s blog is something a little different from our usual post… a video. Learn six simple steps to meet your business goals using social media. We use a HVAC company as an example. Click here to watch.
By Rachel Last month, I had an opportunity to speak at the Harrisburg University Social Media Summit on a panel called, “Social Networking and the Job Search.” The discussion was focused on how job seekers can use social networks to optimize their search. The panelists had a lot to offer and I felt it could […]
by Rachel For many, electronic communication has gone from being an occasional diversion to being a constant distraction. (Or, in my case, even an occupational hazard)! Despite the ways we often search for work/life balance, it seems our obsession with being connected can dominate our lives. As the queen of succumbing to online distractions, I […]
Every so often, we interview one of our management clients to ask them about their experience in social media. Cheryl Garman This month, we spoke with Cheryl Garman, Co-owner of Pazazzz, a unique and fabulous home décor shop located in Central PA. Be sure to check out their new location in the State Street Plaza […]
by Rachel At least once a week, I stumble upon a story of why outsourcing social media doesn’t work. Most recently, it was in a conversation as a response to the blog, “You can’t outsource authenticity.” In a perfect world, business owners would be managing social media for themselves. However, it’s infrequent that this occurs […]
By Rachel Last Wednesday, I spoke to the Chamber Business Women about using Facebook and LinkedIn for business purposes. I left index cards on the table so that that the audience could submit questions. I promised to answer them on my blog, so without further ado… Where should you go to learn how to Tweet? […]
By Rachel Have you ever bought an all-in-one machine like a printer/scanner/copier or a washer/dryer combo? My husband and I recently bought a TV/DVD combo for our workout room. I enjoyed watching TV and he enjoyed watching DVD’s while we were on the treadmill. We thought we hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, the DVD player stopped […]
By Rachel Strella In our last blog, I discussed some of the challenges business owners face when trying to implement a social media plan, including a lack of time, money, and resources. Many of these same business owners lack a general understanding about social media. Many are unclear about what it really is and what […]
By Rachel Strella One of the biggest debates in the social media management community is whether it’s better to manage social media in-house or outsource these efforts to an experienced third party. I’ve found those who favor keeping social media in-house often believe that only company employees have the necessary knowledge to communicate effectively on […]
Commitment to Excellence
Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102