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August 7, 2011
Six Lessons Learned from Undertaking a Big Project

The past five months of my life have been a roller coaster ride … and not because I’ve been on any trips to the amusement park. I’m referring to the late nights I’ve put in to create a product that helps train social media managers. Michele Scism and I have partnered on a joint venture […]

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July 31, 2011
Don’t Tweet with Your Mouth Full!

While the various social media networks have their own unique characteristics, the principles for proper etiquette remain the same whether you are using Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+. And while social media may seem like a far cry from a formal banquet hall, many of the same etiquette rules apply. A good example is […]

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July 29, 2011
I'm Never Satisfied, But That's OK: A Heartfelt Message from My Husband

Last night, I had a one-year in business party! I invited my clients, attendees from my launch party last year, and a few friends. Thank you to everyone who celebrated with me. My husband wrote a speech that brought me to tears. It was such a hit, I decided to include it here. Thank you, […]

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July 24, 2011
Express Yourself

I've been watching a show on Palladia called “Madonna: Truth or Dare,” - a documentary of her Blond Ambition Tour in 1990. The piece is filmed entirely in black and white, except for clips during her concerts. (The timing is fitting, as this Wednesday marks the 28th anniversary of the release of her self-titled album). According to […]

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July 17, 2011
Lesson Learned in Business: Take a Break!

This month, I celebrate one year in business.  For many at this stage, this is just the beginning of caffeine-ridden days, constant chaos, and a never-ending cycle to stay afloat. For me, however, I have decided those days are gone. You might think it’s because I am tired, which certainly is a factor. However, if […]

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July 11, 2011
Why You Should Check-out the FourSquare “Check-Ins”

As a small business owner, you might wonder about the hype with FourSquare and whether you should be taking advantage of yet another social networking opportunity. With 750 million Facebook users and only 10 million FourSquare users, some may immediately disqualify FourSquare as a medium for reaching the masses. However, FourSquare is a combination-type social […]

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June 26, 2011
Three Reasons Why I'm Not a Social Media Expert

I’ve had some people label me a social media “expert” whenever I’m a guest speaker at various events.   I have never really been comfortable with that term and here’s why: Reason #1: Social media hasn’t been around long enough for anyone to be considered an expert, especially me. Social media is one of the fastest […]

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June 20, 2011
Feeling the twinge of fear but still taking a leap of faith!

Have you ever taken a leap of faith? I sure did, almost a year ago when I started my business. It was a leap to invest the money into starting a business. It was another leap to decide to quit my job two months later and focus on the business full-time. It was a leap […]

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June 5, 2011
5 Tips to Being a Successful Business Owner

Today I was inspired by an article entitled “10 Lessons Learned from my First Year as an Entrepreneur." As I approach the one-year mark with Strella Social Media, it got me thinking about this crazy year! This business is still “walking me,” but I would never go back! I often have people ask me, “How […]

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Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102