July 25, 2012

Rachel Strella

Vocational Skills Get You In The Game, LIFE Skills Help You Win It!

The following is a guest post by SEO partner and friend, John Webster.

Like it or not, a college degree does not offer the same advantage it once did.

I am one of the lucky ones.  I finished my college education in 1992. That simple accomplishment opened doors and helped me land my first job almost immediately.

Fast forward to 2012…does a college degree give you that same edge today? The answer is no!

My friend Stephanie is a good example. She graduated with honors and was accepted into a graduate program at a state school. She finished with amazing grades and even earned her master’s degree. She left college with stars in her eyes, having just prepared herself for an amazing start in life. Unfortunately, that master’s degree has not given her the jump-start she expected.

What Stephanie – and many others found – is that competency is simply expected in today’s business environment. Good grades and a solid education simply allow you to enter the race. Furthermore, competency is also expected to simply maintain your position at work.

People need an edge. They need an opportunity to position themselves head and shoulders above the competition.

The traits companies are looking for today are not vocational.

·     They are looking for servant leaders.

·     They are looking for strong interpersonal skills.

·     They are looking for character.

·     They are looking for individuals who can resolve conflict.

·     They are looking for individuals who can lead themselves.

·     They are looking for people with vision.

The soft skills of success are not taught in our schools. These skills take more than knowledge … they take steady, intentional practice day after day. Mastering the soft skills of success will get you hired faster, give you a higher chance of earning a promotion, and allow you to grow your own company like never before.

Back in 2006, I was blessed to have a man show me the road to success through a private training and personal growth program. I was excited to learn from my new mentor. He shared with me a program that turned his small commercial cleaning business into a multi-million dollar powerhouse with 150 employees. The program he shared with me took my career in a brand new direction and eventually led me to start my own business.  The soft skills of success taught in the program allowed my wife and I to start this business from scratch and that business has grown beyond our expectations in just three short years. Everything we were taught was easy to DO. However, each of those things were also easy to NOT DO. You see, there was no revelation, no big bang; just a series of small things managed daily that gave us that slight edge to overcome the competition.

Earlier this year, the founders of an affiliated private coaching program released an amazing product. It is the P-90X (90 day fitness program from Beach Body) of professional development. The goal of this new program was to make professional development and success training accessible to the masses, rather than be reserved for the select few who could afford to spend thousands of dollars.

The 90 day Mental Fitness Challenge teaches success thinking for every area of life. The three modules walk the student through the 13 resolutions from the bestselling book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for Life.  Here are the focal points of the modules:

·     Module 1: Personal achievements: purpose, vision and character

·     Module 2: Public achievements: friendship and personal finances

·     Module 3: Leadership achievements: conflict resolution, systems thinking and legacy

The program includes a personal assessment, weekly mastermind groups that focus on individual resolutions, a progress journal and peer accountability. This is not a program that will sit on the shelf. In 90 days, it will put you on the path to Living The Life You Have Always Wanted.

Leave a note in the comment section to get an invitation to take the free seven day challenge and personal assessment.

Do you notice a shift in business expectations from the previous decade? How are you developing your soft skills?

About John

With nearly two decades of marketing and design experience, John Webster is a self-described "technology-driven marketing professional." As the owner of his aptly named company, John {Web}ster, he has created and developed web marketing strategies for many clients throughout the Central Pennsylvania region and beyond. John also brings a wealth of experience in other disciplines — sales, business development, creative direction, and management — that all contribute to his approach to providing superior service to his clients.


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One comment on “Vocational Skills Get You In The Game, LIFE Skills Help You Win It!”

  1. Great article! We must help the next generation understand the importance of a self directed education like the mental fitness challenge to help them utilize their most important competitive advantage in today's economy- their own leadership ability! Thanks for sharing!

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