June 16, 2024

Laney Goff

Social Sesh: 5 Tough Truths about Why Your Social Media Efforts are Failing

social media

When it comes to my role at Strella Social Media, I often get tasked with having the hard conversations. Ten years ago, I would have HATED this. But I’ve found that the older I get, the more I enjoy being the go-to person for these tough discussions. I value transparency and believe in not beating around the bush. This has made me realize that many people are scared to tell the truth, and my straightforwardness might just be the catalyst for improvement. Whether with clients, the Strella team, or even in my personal life, transparency is key to progress.

This got me thinking about the common pitfalls I see in social media management. Too many brands are struggling with their social media efforts because no one is being honest with them about why they're failing. So, let’s dive right in. Here are the top 5 common mistakes I see brands make. I encourage you to take a hard look at your content and see if any of these sound familiar.

Common Social Media Mistakes Your Brand Might Be Making

1. Your Content is Too Focused on Being Informational

If your social media content is purely informational, you’re missing the mark. While it’s important to provide valuable information to your existing audience, it’s equally crucial to showcase your expertise and attract new clients. A well-rounded content strategy should include:

  • Informational Content: Useful and relevant information for your current audience.
  • Educational Content: Tips, how-tos, and insights that establish your brand as an expert in your field.
  • Entertaining Content: Fun, engaging posts that attract new followers and keep your audience entertained.

Remember, it’s not just about what you know; it’s about how you present it. A balanced mix will keep your audience engaged and attract new followers who are interested in your expertise.

2. You’re Not Having Fun

If you’re not having fun with your content, neither is your audience. Social media is all about engagement and connection. If your posts are boring and lack personality, people will scroll right past them. Here’s how to inject some fun into your content:

  • Relatable Humor: You don’t need to be a comedian, but adding a touch of humor can make your brand more relatable.
  • Interactive Posts: Polls, quizzes, and interactive stories can increase engagement.
  • Behind the Scenes: Give your audience a glimpse into the human side of your brand. It makes your brand relatable and adds an element of authenticity.

3. Your Graphics Are Outdated

Outdated graphics can make your brand look out of touch. Stock images that don’t represent your brand’s unique personality won’t capture attention. Instead:

  • Use Custom Graphics: Invest in professional graphic design that reflects your brand’s identity.
  • Real-Life Images: Share photos of your team, your products in use, and real-life scenarios that your audience can relate to.
  • Current Trends: Stay updated with design trends to ensure your visuals are fresh and appealing.

4. There’s No Community Engagement

Social media is not a one-way street. If you’re not engaging with your audience, you’re missing out on building a community. Lack of engagement can be due to:

  • Ignoring Comments and DMs: Always respond to comments and messages. It shows that you value your audience.
  • Lack of Interactive Content: Ask questions, host Q&A sessions, and create content that encourages conversation.
  • No Community Building Efforts: Foster a sense of community by highlighting user-generated content and creating spaces where your audience can interact with each other.

5. You’re Being Complacent

Complacency is the death of social media success. If you’re scared to take risks or too comfortable with your current (failing) strategy, you’ll never stand out. Here’s how to overcome complacency:

  • Be Bold: Don’t be afraid to say something controversial if it aligns with your brand’s values.
  • Stay Updated: Invest time in learning about content trends, platform updates, and audience behaviors.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate your strategy and make necessary adjustments.

Is This You?

Staying stagnant in the world of social media is a surefire way to fall behind. If you're serious about overcoming your social media failures, it's time to face the hard truths head-on. Balance your content, inject fun and personality, update your visuals, foster community engagement, and shake off that complacency. Your brand's success depends on your willingness to adapt and grow. No more excuses—it's time to turn things around. How's that for a dose of brutal honesty?  Now, go fix it! 😝

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