August 21, 2022

Rachel Strella

Do Your Best to Be Your Best

I recently asked our core team members to tell me what “the best” means regarding professionalism and work performance. I got various answers, but one common theme was “knowing that they gave a project everything they could.” Several individuals also mentioned they equate being open to and accepting of constructive feedback as a requirement for making improvements that enable them to be their best. 

The Reality of Subjective Projects and Self-Pressure

Many of us in business believe we must be perfect right out of the gate. I think that mindset affects professionals in service-based industries the most. After all, clients hire us for our expertise. 

Whether entering into new — or maintaining existing — client relationships, service providers often discover their clients don’t know what they want exactly. It takes some Socratic questioning before they offer helpful insight into their needs and expectations. When I encounter that situation with clients, I find it effective to provide examples and ask if they like or dislike them. That helps them define their vision.

Then comes the “sh**y first draft” to develop the concept. In the social media industry, this usually takes the form of a design, a video, an ad campaign, or some catchy form of content. All of the above are prone to a high level of subjectivity (i.e., different strokes for different folks). Despite knowing that clients’ personal preferences may come heavily into play when seeking approval, I often feel pressure to “hit the nail on the head” on the first run.

However, it’s not reasonable to expect something so subjective to be perfect on the first try. That’s why it’s critical that we’re open to feedback and committed to adapting our work to make the end result superb. 

The Argument for Staying at the Top of Our Game

But cutting ourselves some slack about achieving perfection from the start should never lead to cutting corners or rushing through projects because we know it’s a dry run. We should always strive for excellence and to align our work with a client’s vision and expectations. At no time should we become sloppy with the details. It upsets me when I’ve entrusted someone with a project and they deliver careless work, proclaiming it’s just a “rough cut.” 

Likewise, complacency is not an option. Just because we know a client’s voice or preferences doesn’t mean we can get lazy. We should endeavor to knock it out of the park — every single time. 

What “The Best” Means to Me

When I think of “the best,” I think of someone who thinks outside the box, takes the initiative to learn new skills, and strives to beat their own track record. 

#Strella Social Media’s Commitment To Excellence core value calls for our team members to commit to being coachable. Although we are experts in our fields, we shouldn’t resist feedback or get defensive when someone offers to help us develop our skills and overcome gaps in our proficiency.

It Takes Two

At #Strella, we take pride in our partnerships with our clients. It truly takes both parties’ efforts and cooperation to generate results from social media. My team is here to do the heavy lifting, but it’s crucial our clients remain dedicated and involved. If they view social media as something they can forget about after outsourcing it, they will not get the outcomes they desire. 

We have the most success with clients who share their vision and provide us with the raw materials we need (such as photos or videos) to do our best work for them. Then, when we review the monthly dashboard for their projects, we welcome their feedback so that we can refine our efforts. 

My Vision for What “#Strella Social Media” Means to My Team and Our Clients

When you think of “the best,’’ I want you to think of #Strella Social Media. I challenge my team and my clients to do their part to help me make that vision a reality. Together, I know we can achieve it!

What comes to mind when you think of “the best?”

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Commitment to Excellence

Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102