June 10, 2018

Rachel Strella

Why Content Consistency Is Key

Content consistency

Nearly every client we work with has one thing in common:  Before they worked with us, they lacked consistency with their social media efforts. They get busy and push social media marketing to the bottom of the to-do list – sometimes, to a point of no return.

I see this frequently with those who have a blog. It’s hard to pump out fresh content on a regular basis. And, it’s more challenging to keep your eye on the prize when you’re playing the content long game.  People get impatient waiting for that payoff.

We recently asked our clients what they value about working with us. One client said he likes that we hold him accountable for producing content on a consistent basis. Previously, his blog posts were infrequent - occurring only when the mood would strike or if he had a little extra time. Now, he’s publishing his posts every week and he hasn’t missed a post since we started our working relationship.

So, why is consistency so important?

In a recent post on Mark Schaefer’s {grow} blog he makes the argument for content consistency.  In interviews for his book KNOWN, he stumbled upon a remarkable common trait.

“If you could give the reader one piece of advice to become known in their field and stand out on the web today, what would it be?”

Nearly every one of them said, “Consistency.”

“People give up too soon,” they said. “You need to become part of the fabric of your audience’s life. And that means being reliable.”

For years I’ve tried to find the right words to describe the importance of consistency. The word ‘reliable’ says it all. Knowing what to expect – and when – is vital.  We want people we can count on.

You must show up enough to make a difference. And, once you do, keep it going. It’s the key to making relationship marketing work.

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2 comments on “Why Content Consistency Is Key”

  1. I couldn't agree more, Rachel. To be a successful content marketer, one's should have its own unique identity and of course content consistency, having that consistent voice in every marketing communications platform could actually establish a successful marketing relationship with your audiences.

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