October 17, 2012

Rachel Strella

Developing a Product: An Inside Look at Content!

By Rachel

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that I’m knee deep in the development of an upcoming product called A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Social Media.  With deadline approaching quickly, I thought it would be a good time to tell you more about the guide and why I think it’s a valuable resource for every small business.

For years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the many challenges that small business owners face – and how a lack of time, money, resources and knowledge often keep small business owners from establishing an effective social media presence. It’s my mission to help them discover how, with the right tools and knowledge, they can leverage the time and resources they do have to create a social media presence with tangible results!

That’s why I created A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Social Media. This comprehensive, practical and affordable guide can be used by any small business owner looking to understand and leverage the tremendous business growth potential offered by social media. This downloadable guide contains five modules each with a theory, an example of execution, and exercise for crafting a successful social media game plan to meet their specific business goals.

By the end of the fifth module, a business will have a working model for managing their social media, including which media to focus on, audience-building tactics, and a plan for executing a social media strategy.

Here’s a snapshot of the table of contents:

  • Module 1 – Determine the Appropriate Social Media Channels for Your Business; Bonus: Things to Keep in Mind When Setting Up or Using Social Media Pages
  • Module 2 – Build Your Audience; Bonuses: Ten Ways to Build “Likes” to Your Facebook fan page and Making Sense of Twitter Tips
  • Module 3 – Plan Your Strategy; Bonuses: Sample Strategy for a B2C Business and B2B Business
  • Module 4 – Prepare to Launch Your 90-day Plan; Bonus: Sample Social Media Posts
  • Module 5 – Execute and Evaluate Your Strategy

A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Social Media will be available for purchase beginning November 5. For more information, check out the product web page or contact us at: info@strellasocialmedia.com.

“Developing a Product” Blog Archive:

October 11: The Pre-Launch Webinar

October 3: Navigating PA’s Required Sales Tax for Online Purchases

September 26: Marketing & the Affiliate System

September 19: Lessons Learned from My First Self-Hosted Webinar

September 12: Brain Drain is in Content

September 5: Marketing & List Building

August 29: Marketing & Content

August 22: A Fun Ride

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Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102