May 9, 2012

Rachel Strella

Review: The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson

By Rachel

I recently finished reading Carrie Wilkerson’s book, The Barefoot Executive.  I met Carrie in Dallas last year and was mesmerized by her dynamic speaking presence, which compelled me to buy her book.

Here are my top three takeaways:

#3 – Obey the “Law of Five”*

Carrie advises readers to be disciplined in obeying her “five a day rule” to help us get things done. Putting off sending all of those thank you cards?  Just send five of them.

I personally applied this advice to my LinkedIn connections. I’ve been meaning to start reaching out to some of them to get to know them on a deeper level.  I started reaching out to five people a day and it’s been rewarding to re-connect and even re-introduce myself to folks in my professional network.

*Jack Canfield and John Maxwell are thought leaders on this idea

#2 – Form a Mastermind Group

“When you surround yourself with people of high caliber, then you begin to draw other people of high caliber.”

Carrie says it’s important to belong to groups of like-minded people and suggests joining a mastermind group. Joining such groups help us grow professionally, physically and emotionally, she says.

I’ve heard about mastermind groups, but I was never comfortable with the idea of paying to be in a group.  After reading this book, I decided to reach out to colleagues and see if they had any interest in joining a non-paid mastermind group. Sure enough, there was. I formed a group of 12 amazing individuals – all committed and ready to start our first meeting at the end of May. Right now, we’re preparing for the meeting by reading “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I’ll let you know how it works out!

 #1 – Focus: Massive Action to Completion

Carrie says we must identify our short-term motive. Is it leads, money, products, etc?  Whatever it is, we must focus on that priority for the NEXT 30 DAYS…Massive action to completion.

Carrie’s advice is groundbreaking for me. I’m a chronic multitasker and I often have trouble delegating work.  I’ve set my goal (to obtain one ideal social media management client) for the next 30 days and I’m focusing on it – nonstop – until it’s completed.

My Take

The Barefoot Executive is a solid read for both budding and current entrepreneurs. Carrie offers practical, implementable advice.  It’s a book that can be referenced again and again as you change course in your business. I highly recommend it.

Have you read The Barefoot Executive? What did you take away from the book?


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