April 18, 2012

Rachel Strella

An Unexpected Turn: How My Career Plans Have Changed

By Amanda

This week, I start a full-time position at Strella Social Media.

I’ve been searching for words of wisdom to pass on…

I could tell you that I have a great job, a great boss, and great clients, but then you might stop reading!

But, honestly, nothing can do justice to what my experience has been like working as a social media manager. As I sit here – typing away on my Ipad, which by the way, I would never have gotten if I didn’t have a job in social media, I’m still trying to find the right words.

From the beginning, this job has been a learning experience. I’ve had to prove that I can think on my feet, be creative, juggle a million little details and still get Rachel her non-fat, double shot, caramel latte in the morning. Ha, just kidding. She drinks regular coffee with “a little milk” and “a little sugar” and, fortunately, she only asked me to get her coffee one time (when I was still an intern)!

Nine years of college and two degrees later, I’ve discovered that there is more to the business world than what I was taught. And, that what you learn is not always as it was in a textbook.

I went from having no clients to six clients overnight. At least, that’s how it seemed at the time. But six months later, I’m hoping to take on even more clients because of the satisfaction I get in working with them.  It’s a feeling like nothing else when a client is satisfied – or better - when I’ve exceeded their expectations.

I often wonder what it would be like to have a job in the area of my schooling. I’ve even had a few people give me a hard time about going to school for all of those years only to do something completely different. Then, I think about what corporate life could be like – I could be in a meaningless clock in/clock out job. At Strella Social Media, I’m a part of team - a team building a business that is going to rock Central PA! I know this is what I’m supposed to be doing and where I belong.

When I started as an intern last year, it was just a means to an end. It was something I had to do to get my degree. I never imagined that I would love what I do and completely change the path that I’ve been on. While I was a little weary and had others telling me that's not what I went to school for, I knew I was making the right decision.

This experience has been eye-opening. While I may have not have great words of wisdom to pass on or I may not have told you how ALL aspects of my job are GREAT! (*Yawn*) I hope that I’ve given you a glimpse of how my job with Strella Social Media has made me more well-rounded person.

This experience is not over though, this is only the beginning!

Have you switched gears in life? Were you a better person because of it?

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6 comments on “An Unexpected Turn: How My Career Plans Have Changed”

  1. Hi Amanda,

    Congrats on the full-time position!

    Life is strange in how it brings you down paths that you least suspect. Having just turned the big 4-0 (which I cannot even begin to believe), I can say that my life has been ful of unexpected avenues of adventure - and I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Here is to a long, and successful, run with Rachel!

    1. Thank you so much. I am happy to be full time.

      I totally agree with you, life throws you some curve balls some times and you just have to go with the flow. I have had life altering things happen in my life but my end goal has never changed. Sometimes the path I take has detoured a bit, but I agree I would not change a thing that has happened in my life because all those things have made me the person that I am today.

  2. Amanda. I am so proud of you. You have put so much time and energy into schooling and everythihg else you have done plus being a great mom, friend and everything else. i have looked up to you over the last couple years i have known you and coudlnt imagine your influence not in my life. i love you so much!!!!! Congrats on the Full Time position. You have worked so hard and it is paying off. i am so glad you are happy and love what you have worked so hard for 😉 love ya!!!

    1. Aww. Thank you so much lady. You and your family are wonderful and I could not imagine not having you all in my life. You and I have talked a lot about school and pushing forward with it. You are a smart beautiful woman and you can do anything you set your mind too. Love you guys 🙂

  3. Amanda,

    Like you after starting my schooling I decided that I wanted to do something completely different. I still love writing and will be incorporating that in my career eventually, but for now have decided that social media and public relations is where my heart is. I have You to thank mostly for it! Its your determination that made me realize that no matter how long it takes, it is worth every minute of it! So happy on your full-time position! Keep up the great work, I'm fairly certain I am not the only female who is looking up to you and your examples!! Congrats again!!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much. You know I have never thought of myself as someone that people look up too, but I am glad that I can be an inspiration to other women.
      You just have to set your goal and strive for them no matter what. Just like our mothers always said, "You can do anything you set your mind too."
      I know some times what you are striving towards a goal it can seem like a huge struggle, but it only makes it more spectacular when you finally reach your final goal. Just remember when you have a bad day and things seem bleak that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can do it, you will do it. You have to believe in YOU. You are an incredible woman, keep fighting for what you want.

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