October 12, 2011

Rachel Strella

When One Door Closes...

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By Amanda Harrison, Marketing Manager

One-hundred and eighty hours is a long time. But, for my internship at Strella Social Media, I can hardly believe it’s over already! Only five short weeks ago, I started my internship at Strella Social Media and the finish line has arrived!

It took me a while to find an internship, and I was a little apprehensive when I started looking because I didn’t know where I would be working, what the company environment would be like or if the other employees would accept me.  By chance, I stumbled upon the internship at Strella Social Media. However, once I started I never looked back. Rachel, Matt, and Anita have been wonderful to work with and I have learned a lot about social media (which is quite a feat for a finance major, wouldn’t you say?). Before I started this internship I didn’t even know what Twitter was, but leave it to the “Webster gang” to teach you everything you need to know!

I have attended several Chamber events, a CPAFE meeting and a Social Media Summit. I have met a lot of wonderful people at these events and I also had an opportunity to learn the ropes of social media and better understand the role it plays and the future of business, customer service, and lead generation.

The aspect I enjoy most about this internship is the research for different clients. I reviewed a variety of sites for factoids, message-content, and snippets from places like “On This Day.”  I’m always learning new information about different companies and what they do, which makes this type of work different and enjoyable.

I’m still learning how to write blogs, which is a little different from writing a paper for school. Moreover, writing a blog for a client means I have to know the voice of that client and the message they are trying to convey. Sometimes I have trouble getting into my own head, let alone the head of another person. This was a challenge that I took head on, and with some help from the Strella Social Media team, accomplished with no trouble - just a stumble here and there!

It’s said that when one door closes, another opens. I am grateful that this is true, as I’ve accepted a position with Strella Social Media as their Marketing Manager! I would like to thank Rachel, Matt and Anita from the bottom of my heart for all their kind words, guidance, and knowledge.  This is an experience I will never forget.

Can you recall a memorable experience and your feelings when it was over? What doors have opened or re-opened for you?

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