September 30, 2018

Rachel Strella

Why I Do What I Do


My time is not my own.

Something I’ve said frequently, lately, almost to the point where it sounds like an excuse.

It’s impossible to truly express what this means because I, myself, thought this was an excuse from others who told me the same over the years.

Any business owner knows that time is not owned by us, ironically. But, it’s been heightened for me the past few months. I’m not going to bore you with the countless things that have led me here. I’m also not going to say something inspiring about how I am overcoming it.

What I will tell you is that there are moments that remind me of what drives this business. Those moments, collectively, are what really sustain me when time is not my own.

Here are a few of them…

People. The passion I see from my team, my colleagues, my friends, and my family inspire me – and, at the craziest moments. I’ve seen people come out of the trenches and jump into position for something they believe in – something higher than them. And – that something – is, humbly, what I’ve helped to create. It will never cease to amaze me who will get behind you when you need them the most. It’s not always at a luxurious moment, but rather one that calls for the need. That is something I never forget.

Purpose. Admittingly, it took me nearly a decade to find my real purpose in my business. I had a lot of cliché phrases that sounded great on paper but weren’t really true to our core.  I now know my purpose. What’s most important is that I have the people (see above) who get behind it and live it with me every day. When business fluctuation does what it will, this will be steadfast. It’s our stability.

Relentless drive. If there is anything I’m guilty of, it’s my drive. Over the years, I’ve been called eager, overly ambitious and overzealous. Those statements are true. And, if I’m told I cannot do something – that’s even more fuel for the fire. Bottom line…  don’t doubt me. Consider it my greatest strength and also my greatest weakness.

To anyone in my tribe, please forgive me. I also ask that you please support me. I am building something greater than I can put into words. But I hope this post lends some insight for those who have had to hear me say, ‘my time is not my own.’

It will be soon enough.

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4 comments on “Why I Do What I Do”

  1. Yes. Can't tell you how many times I've heard "Well who makes your schedule?". I am constantly aware of Balance in my life, AND I am Driven by my Higher Purpose in it all

  2. Hi Rose,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I will get you signed up! Thank you for asking!


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