September 29, 2024

Rachel Strella

Missing Kitty Update: Our Journey to Bring Bubby Home Continues

missing cat journey

Since that heartbreaking night on June 8th when my beloved Bubby escaped, life has been a whirlwind of emotions and relentless determination. It’s been 113 days since he went missing. While catching him has proven to be a monumental challenge, there’s a glimmer of hope—Bubby has been back, sort of. He’s been visiting regularly for the past 39 days, but capturing him remains elusive. Here’s an update on what’s been happening and our extraordinary attempts to bring him back home.

Operation Bag Bubby: Our Tireless Efforts

From the start, it was clear Bubby wouldn’t be easy to catch. He is a genius! Bubby has been surviving for nearly four months on his own, without front claws. He’s not just smart; he’s one determined and strong kitty, and that’s why I love him so much. We’ve been working tirelessly to bring him back. After realizing standard traps wouldn’t work, we formed a small committee—Operation Bag Bubby—consisting of friends and family applying some specialized DIY skills.

We crafted a custom trap under the deck, complete with netting, dowels, string, and strategic food placement. We thought we were ready for him, but Bubby had other plans. He’s broken through every attempt, from regular traps to those reinforced with chicken wire. He left us both awed and heartbroken when he managed to escape a reinforced trap by flinging himself around like a maniac.

Sleepless Nights and Endless Hope

We’ve stayed up countless nights—setting traps, watching cameras, and rushing outside at the slightest sign of movement. Bubby often shows up in the early morning hours—always just after we’ve gone to bed. There have been close calls, like the night I nearly had him in my arms before he bolted again. It’s exhausting and frustrating, but we refuse to give up.

Every time he returns, it renews our hope and our determination. We’re tired—so, so tired—but we’ll continue staying up all night on weekends, refreshing his food, and waiting. We believe that one day soon, he’ll trust us enough to come home for good.

A Special Thanks to My Support System

I need to take a moment to thank my incredibly patient husband! He didn’t even want a fourth cat, but he welcomed Bubby with open arms and loved him wholeheartedly. He's been my rock through sleepless nights and countless tears. To my amazing friends, thank you for enduring my daily Bubby updates and offering unwavering support without losing your minds. You've been a lifeline of encouragement and understanding throughout this emotional journey.

To my neighbors, thank you for not thinking we’re completely bonkers in setting the giant trap around the house. And to my wonderful online community, thank you for keeping an eye out and sharing words of hope. Your kindness has meant the world to us.

Here’s to hoping the next update will be the one where we finally get to say, “Welcome home, Bubby.”

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