Category: Social Media Manager Profits

August 22, 2012
Developing a Product: A Fun Ride

by Rachel I am about to do something I said I would never do again. And why not?  In 1980, the Eagles said the day they became a band again would be the day hell freezes over. Look how that turned out! Last year at this time, I swore I would never create a product […]

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December 5, 2011
5 Factors to Consider When Pricing Social Media Services

Pricing is one the most difficult things for a service-based business owner, especially when it comes to social media management. There is a fine line between getting paid what you’re worth and losing business because prices are ‘too high.’  There isn’t much precedent for social media pricing because the media are so new. It also […]

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November 9, 2011
How to Create A Thriving Home Business in Social Media

After months of hard work, Michele Scism and I have released our long-awaited program Social Media Manager Profits (SMMP). We decided to create a program that would not only equip potential social media managers with the skills they need to create a profitable at-home business, but also provide the foundation to help them attract, attain, and retain clients. […]

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August 7, 2011
Six Lessons Learned from Undertaking a Big Project

The past five months of my life have been a roller coaster ride … and not because I’ve been on any trips to the amusement park. I’m referring to the late nights I’ve put in to create a product that helps train social media managers. Michele Scism and I have partnered on a joint venture […]

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