December 19, 2010

Rachel Strella

You must be crazy…

That’s what I said when someone gave me the idea to start a social media business. I am not a technical person and I shout more characters than the alphabet when my computer isn’t working properly.

After starting my business plan and talking with colleagues, it clicked for me. A social media “consultant/guru/specialist” should be someone who gets people! Yes, the word “media” is present and can be learned, but the word “social” encompasses the ability to work with people.

My background in marketing and sales helped me to understand the aspects of what a good social media plan should contain. My journalism degree helped me write the compelling messages to capture an audience in 140 characters or less.  And, the fact that I was not a “techie” helped me to establish  patience with new learners.

I don’t consider myself an expert or a guru. I know some practical tips to help a small establish and maintain a social media presence, and if done correctly, will help them build their brand.

Stayed tuned for tips on choosing the right medium for your message, posting on social media, social media time management, interviews with social media and technology consultants, and much more.

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One comment on “You must be crazy…”

  1. You really do have the "people angle" of your business and I know you've learned so much the past year or're doing great and its fun to see you grow!

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