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November 10, 2011
Penn State Scandal: Conversation Should Shift To Helping Victims, Raising Awareness Regarding Child Sex Abuse

By Pete Strella Throughout Pennsylvania and possibly the entire country, parents and caretakers are having difficult conversations with any child or young adult who ever had any contact with The Second Mile, the charity founded by former Penn State football coach and alleged pedophile Jerry Sandusky. Could you imagine asking your child if he or […]

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November 9, 2011
How to Create A Thriving Home Business in Social Media

After months of hard work, Michele Scism and I have released our long-awaited program Social Media Manager Profits (SMMP). We decided to create a program that would not only equip potential social media managers with the skills they need to create a profitable at-home business, but also provide the foundation to help them attract, attain, and retain clients. […]

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November 7, 2011
Social Media "Ah-Ha’s"

When I consult with new clients, they often have a surprising revelation about social media: it’s not magic! A successful social media presence requires time, energy, and creativity.  I hate to be a buzz kill, but social media is not a silver bullet. Just because it’s the new thing that everyone is talking about, does […]

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November 2, 2011
Six Layers of Customer Engagement

The following is a guest post by Kathy Snavely (with edits by Matt Hannaford). They've written a summary from Mark Schaefer’s Keynote Address at Social Media at Work, hosted by the Harrisburg Social Media Club on October 19 at the Hilton Harrisburg What a privilege it was for me to watch others figure out how awesome Schaefer […]

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October 30, 2011
Ill with the Twitter Bug: 3 Reasons Why You Need to Bite

I’ll be the first to admit the Twitter wasn’t always my cup of tea. Like a lot of people, Twitter left me more confused and overwhelmed than engaged.                      Most of the big players in social media use Twitter so heavily that I was determined to figure out its mojo.  Last month I purchased Jeffrey Gitomer’s […]

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October 26, 2011
Anatomy of a Heckler

Remember in grade school when it was said that a boy who picked on the girl did it because he really liked her? The same might be true in the social media world… maybe the best form of flattery. Do you know a social media heckler? Heckler Profile Type 1: You know ‘that person’ who […]

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October 23, 2011
Why You Should Accept My Facebook Friend Request

I often have clients that need advice about separating their personal and business contacts, especially on Facebook. However, I also advise against a big ‘separation.’ While I understand the need for privacy, I’m also an advocate for getting to know people.  It’s that human connection that allows people to get to know you, like you, […]

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October 20, 2011
Fallacies & Fantasy’s: Deflating Social Media Myths

Every day, I talk with business owners who do not understand social media. They do not know what it is or how it works. I hope this blog will help to debunk some of the top social media misconceptions. Ok, ok, I’ll set up the page! Just because you have a Facebook page, does not […]

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October 17, 2011
Social Media: Champion for the Underdog!

Big businesses often have money, power, and confidence in numbers.  But don’t think that leaves small businesses in the dust. There is a window of opportunity for small businesses, but it won’t be here forever. That opportunity is on social media and you can grab it by being YOU! I’m a huge proponent of personalizing […]

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Strella Social Media
1412 N. 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102