January 5, 2025

Rachel Strella

15 Years In: Reflecting on Resilience and Finding Hope

Resilience in business

It’s a new year. Whoop-de-do.

I’ve been fighting it, but I think I’m struggling with depression. This dark, cold season of the year hasn’t helped—I told my husband recently that I underestimated just how much it is affecting me. I know I need to prepare differently for next year. But deep down, I know it’s not just winter that’s at the root of it all. However, I can’t quite put my finger on it. 

And snapping out of it? That’s not happening. I even Googled “How to get over depression.” I’ve found some practical suggestions, and I’m trying them. On the surface, I feel sad. When I dig deeper, I realize I’m mourning.

This past year has been relentless. Wave after wave, challenge after challenge, I pushed forward without pause. And now that everything has slowed, it’s all catching up to me.

The Weight of 15 Years

This year marks 15 years since I started my business. Fifteen years of victories, setbacks, lessons, and growth. But every time something happens that throws us off course, I feel like I lose a piece of myself. I recover, but I’m never quite the same. I feel like a rock on the beach, slowly eroding over time.

December, in particular, was brutal.

We’d been preparing for months to transition a critical team member out temporarily as she welcomed her first child. At the same time, we tackled the usual Q4 madness: strategy reviews for clients, end-of-year reporting, and planning for team time off. This year, it was more chaotic than ever.

Some clients were unresponsive or resistant to our recommendations for 2025. Others delayed their feedback, creating bottlenecks. We were upgrading our systems—moving editorial calendars to Notion and refining dashboards—but ran into hiccups. And then, just before the holidays, one major client decided to bring social media back in-house with almost no notice.

If that wasn’t enough, we made the tough call to part ways with a couple of clients who weren’t aligned with our goals or timelines. It was decision fatigue at its worst. And right when I thought I could breathe, I got sick the week of Christmas. That was the final straw.

A Time for Reflection

All of this has forced me to step back and reevaluate. People outside the industry tell me to overhaul everything. Fellow marketers shrug and say, “That’s just the business.”

Either way, it’s draining. Each setback takes a toll, and resilience alone isn’t always enough.

So here I am, trying to figure out how to turn things around.

I know this post is raw—maybe even too raw. On one hand, I believe in the power of authenticity. On the other, I can’t help but ask myself: Will this make people second-guess working with us?

What I’ve learned, though, is that vulnerability connects us. Posts like this resonate because they’re real.

I don’t have all the answers. I’m human, just like you. I have tough days, weeks, months—even years. But no matter what, I show up, put on my big girl pants, and get the job done.

Better Days Ahead

My dad always says, “Better days ahead.” He’s right, even when it feels like you’re eternally wading through muck.

I believe I’ll get to the other side. Most businesses don’t make it 15 years—especially in this industry. It takes grit, perseverance, and, frankly, a pair of lady balls.

As I dive into 2025, I’m taking a moment to reflect on what’s brought me here: great people by my side, resilience, unwavering determination, and a touch of luck at just the right moments.

Fifteen years in, I’ve learned that success isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about showing up, especially when it’s hard. It’s about weathering the waves, finding strength in the struggle, and continuing to move forward.

Every challenge I’ve faced has shaped who I am today and strengthened my resolve. This business will continue to thrive because of that resolve—and because I’ve surrounded myself with an incredible team. Their talent is unmatched, and they are a big part of why #Strella is still standing.

I’m ready to kick ass in 2025, and I know they are, too.


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